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Here you can find a list of the most common technical questions we hear from our customers:.


Q: Where do you store the videos? Are they safely stored? For how long do you keep them safe?

A: All videos are safely stored outside Salesforce, for obvious licence costing reasons. Specifically, they are hosted on Amazon AWS, safely locked by a patent-pending token system. All videos are private by default, and made accessible by a one-time token, once the access to the target or parent Salesforce record has been verified by NativeVideo.
All videos are stored for one year, if a longer period is required, contact us here.

Q: Can I backup my videos elsewhere?

A: Yes, all your videos can be automatically saved in an external storage that you maintain. Specifically, we can configure your videos to be safely backed up on Amazon S3, FTP, Dropbox, Google Drive. Let us know your requirements getting in touch with us here.


Q: Which is your technology stack? Can I run NativeVideo outside Salesforce?

A: NativeVideo is an officially approved AppExchange solution that can be installed in a Salesforce organisation. Once it has been installed, it provides an easy to use bridge between any business processed implemented in Salesforce and a multiple-award winning video platform as a service called Ziggeo.
Unfortunately, NativeVideo can't run outside Salesforce, but the good news is that even a simple Org is enough to get you started leveraging our video technology.

Q: We haven't adopted Salesforce Lightning just yet, will it work on Salesforce Classic as well?

A: Definitely yes, please check out this section on our wiki.

Video Management





Audio transcription / timing of Webhooks 


Q: How does the watermark functionality work?

A: During the initial setup of NativeVideo, we will ask you to handover the logo of your company / project, so that we can upload it on our video cloud platform. This logo will be automatically applied to all your videos, by default at the bottom right of the screen, but optionally we can configure it where you prefer.
This functionality is completely optional, so you can either decide not to apply any watermark on your videos, if you prefer.

Q: How does the audio transcription feature work and which information will I be able to browse?

A: Once the video has been fully uploaded in NativeVideo, our video platform begins the processing, transforming and preparing the video to multiple formats, applying the watermarks and generating the thumbnails.
Among all activities, our video platform is also analysing the audio of the video and extracting the complete transcription and deduct which one are the keywords. This data is then stored against the video (Video__c) Salesforce object, so that you can leverage them, for instance enabling your users to search on it.
Please bare in mind that the full audio transcription and the keywords are not immediately available, as soon as the video is fully uploaded... but instead they are pushed to Salesforce as soon as possible. Please use the Transcription Status field on the Video object to check when they are ready, waiting for a PROCESSED status.

Q: What about the video thumbnails? Can I pick which one I want? Can I override the one automatically defined?

A: As described in the previous answer, once the video has been fully uploaded, our video platform triggers a lot of processing tasks, one of them being the creation of the video thumbnail. There are two options: either the thumbnail is selected automatically, especially for short videos, or it's selected by the user who has recorded the video, at the end of the recording phase.
Video thumbnails can't be overridden once defined, at least not via the standard user interface. Contact us if some special maintenance has to be done.

Minimum Requirements



Compatible browsers 

Compatible Orgs

Requirements for installing (Community, SFDC Editions)

Suggested uploading speed

Salesforce1 Which are the compatible browsers?

A: For video browsing, the most common browsers and OS are good... for the video recording we instead require to use either Chrome (preferred) or Firefox. The reason is simply because we leverage a modern set of technologies, that on other browsers are not fully implemented yet. Also, for video recording and uploading we recommend using a 1mbps upstream internet connections.

Q: Which are the Salesforce requirements to install NativeVideo?

A: In order to install NativeVideo, we'll need just the Community functionality to be activated - and hey, you don't need to have bought Community licences in order to activate Communities (wink)
Finally, NativeVideo can run on all following Salesforce editions:

  • Enterprise
  • Unlimited
  • Developer
  • Performance

Q: Is NativeVideo compatible with Salesforce1? What about mobile in general?

A: Unfortunately, our video browsing and recording functionalities are not running if embedded in Salesforce1... but that doesn't necessarely mean that we can't run on mobiles! Out video browsing and recording are working via mobile browser - with the only exception of the out of the box video interviewing that has to be ran on desktop (contact us here for further details on how to do that on mobile).


For any further question, please don't hesitate to contact us here.