Attracting the attention of a prospective client is often challenging, we make numerous phone calls, attempt to write the 'perfect' email and send it at the 'perfect' time. However, the result is often the same, you can't get your target interested enough to reply to your email and your messages are lost amongst every other standard email they receive daily.

NativeVideo can help you by offering an innovative, intuitive and quick way to record personalised video messages directly from the details page of a Salesforce Lead.
Helping you to stand out, by sending video emails like this:

Lead - Email to a prospect

Once your prospect has received the above email, she will be able to click on the thumbnail and watch the video you have recorded:
Lead - Web page with the video

And once the video has reached the end, a configurable call to action will replace the video, allowing your prospect to immediately engage with you:
Lead - Call to action at the end of the video

Let's take a closer look on how you can send video messages directly from Salesforce.

The first step is to identify your target, making sure that the Email field is populated with the correct email address of your lead.

Lead - Set email address

Then, click on the "Send Video Email" button on the header of the Lead details page, so that the NativeVideo popup appears.
Now, record your personalised video message, taken directly from your webcam:

Lead - Record a personalised video message

Or alternatively, capture your screen and record a personalised video tutorial or demo for your prospect:
Lead - Record your screen

...and once finished, pick an email template to fill in the subject and the body of the email:
Lead - Specify email fields

As you might have noticed, from this screen you can also specify the email address[es] you want to reach in BCC and the call to action URL that will be displayed to your prospect, once they have reached the end of the video.
Finally, press Submit and that's all done, your prospect will receive the email as soon as the video has been fully processed.

You can now track back the level of engagement and effectiveness of your video messages, once again directly from the lead details page:


How to configure this functionality

Once the NativeVideo package has been installed and configured, install the LeadGenVideo package from the AppExchange:

Once LeadGenVideo has been installed too, please follow these manual steps:

Optional Configurations

The following are optional configurations that you might want to consider.


You can add an email banner at the top of your messages and a website banner to the portal page where the full video is displayed.
Just upload two Documents in Salesforce (it doesn’t matter in which folder), with the following details:

Email Templates

Speed up the message creation leveraging email templates. Create “Custom” email classic templates, with a "Template Unique Name" that starts with the "NV_LGV" prefix, so that they can be automatically displayed by the "Send a Video Email" component.

Conclusion & Next Steps

In this section we have demonstrated how easy it is to send personalised video messages directly from Salesforce, increasing the chance of catching the attention of your prospective customers. As a next step, please go ahead in your Org, install LeadGenVideo and start your free first-month trial. For any question or information, please contact us at