Case: Resolution with Videos

In this section we will see how your Support Team can embrace videos to:

  • Send a video message with a screen recording, guiding the user on a step by step journey on how to fix a specific issue

  • Share an existing video asset saved in the Video Vault, helping the Customer resolving a common issue


Once NativeVideo has been installed and configured, please follow these steps to configure video messages applied to Cases:

  1. From the “Object Manager” section in the Setup panel, search for the “Video Junction” object and add a new field:

    1. Type: Lookup to “Video”

    2. API Name: Case__c

  2. Create a new Lightning Aura component that wraps the NativeVideo’s “VideoEmailRecording” component:

    <aura:component implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:appHostable,force:hasRecordId,force:lightningQuickActionWithoutHeader" > <aura:attribute name="recordId" type="String" /> <nativevideo:VideoEmailRecording recordId="{!v.recordId}" objectName="Case" junctionParentField="Case__c" emailFieldName="ContactEmail" /> </aura:component>
  3. On the Case object from the “Object Manager”, create a new Lightning Action that displays the Lightning Component created in the previous step

  4. From the Lightning Page Builder, open the Case page and add the "VideoList" component, specifying these attributes:

    1. Parent Object as "Case"

    2. Filter By Field as “Case__c”

    3. Filter By Value as "recordId"

  5. From the Setup panel, look for the Site called “NativeVideo Public Site”. From the details page of the Site, click on the “Public Access Settings” and then enter the “Object Settings” section. Look for the “Video Junction” object and make sure that the object is readable and that the “Read” option on the “Case” field is enabled.

Once these steps have been completed, the support team members will be able to send specific video recordings to their Case Contacts.

Common Resolutions

NativeVideo offers a concept of “Video Library”, whereby users can create video contents in a “generic” way and then reuse them in different occasions.

The “Video Vault” Lightning Tab contains the home of our video library: any user can create reusable video messages following two simple steps:

  1. Create the video recording, either using your camera, your screen or a combination of both

  2. Specify the default “Subject / Title” and “Body / Description”, so that the system can pre-populate each video message instance where this Vault Item is going to be used

When it comes to then select a Vault Item, the user will simply have to access to the “Video Vault” option during the creation of a new video message.